Our IdentityTelugu Bible Radio is a Christian Internet Radio. It is an independent, universal and not for profit platform that shares the Good News of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.Telugu Bible Radio is an initiative to strengthen faith, build hope and foster love, and restore peace in ones heart with the Living Word of the Living God. Our communityTelugu Bible Radio is a collaborative effort of likeminded contributors having equal opportunities to share the message of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ irrespective of culture, region and gender. The Living Gods Word is made available through the radio throughout the year 24x7 in the form of worship songs, conversations, stories, biographies, Study / Expositions of Word of God and so on. People from different walks of life can be benefited through the unique and focussed programmes during specific times. Unique programmes are updated in the schedule section of the app and in the website periodically to keep its listeners informed from its studios located in Vijayawada City the bank Krishna River, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India.