Format Adult Contemporary – Playing a variety of top hit music from from the 80s, 90s, 00s and today - the only Radio station with this offering in the country Brand Attributes Feel-good, family-friendly, fun, relatable and interactive Target audience age: 30 – 45; Radio 2 attracts mid to high-end socio-economic groups Female friendly while also appealing to men – 50/50 split Frequencies in Abu Dhabi and Dubai as well as online presence resulting in Radio 2 being accessible across the UAE Radio 2 Breakfast with Rich & Laura 6am – 10am, Sunday to Thursday A fun, pacey, good-humored and informative wake up experience containing news, sport, what’s trending and interactive features that include: RADIO 2 AFTERNOONS with SUZI 1pm – 4pm, Sunday to Thursday RADIO 2 DRIVE with ANDREW 4pm – 8pm, Sunday to Thursday WEEKENDS ON RADIO 2 Friday Rich – 12pm to 3pm Laura – Friday 4pm to 7pm Saturday Andrew – Saturday 12pm-7pm Suzi– Saturday 4pm to 7pm